NRRP Timeline
Approval of Italy's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
13 July 2021 - Italy's Plan is approved by means of a Council of the European Union Implementing Decision, which transposed the Commission's proposal. In the Decision are defined, in relation to each investment and reform, precise objectives and targets, cadenced in time, to the achievement of which is linked the allocation of resources on a six-month basis.
Allocation of resources to the Civil Protection Department
6 August 2021 - Assigned to the Civil Protection Department, by Decree of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, within the framework of Mission 2, Component 4, sub-investment 2.1 b "Measures for flood risk management and hydrogeological risk reduction", 1.2 billion euro, divided between 400 million euro for existing projects and 800 million euro for new projects.
Achievement of EU Milestone M2C4-12
31 December 2021 - Lists of existing projects and macro-interventions for new projects approved.
Milestone M2C4-12 "Entry into force of the revised legal framework for interventions against flood and hydrogeological risks", concerning the recognition and approval of Regional Investment Plans against flood and hydrogeological risks, has been achieved. The documents are published on the institutional websites of the Civil Protection Department and the Regions and Autonomous Provinces or the delegated Commissioners.
Defining the procedures for the allocation of funds for new projects
23 August 2022 - Definition of the procedures for the allocation and transfer to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano of the financial resources for the new projects, with Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers issued pursuant to art. 22 of Law Decree no. 152 of 6 November 2021.
Approval of the detailed lists of new projects
October 2022 / January 2023 - 21 decrees were issued by the Head of the Department, one for each Region and Autonomous Province, approving the detailed lists of new projects.
Subscription of agreements
January 2023 / ongoing - Agreements are signed, pursuant to art. 15 of Law No. 241/1990, between the Department and the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, to regulate the collaborative development of activities of common interest, through a clear division of responsibilities and obligations related to the management, monitoring, reporting and control of the interventions eligible for funding.
Transfer of resources in advance
March 2023 / ongoing - Amounts up to 10% of the total allocated for new projects are transferred to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces in the form of advance payments.
Publication of calls for tenders for new projects
30 November 2023 - Publication of calls for tenders or start of the awarding procedure, pursuant to Article 3, Paragraph 2 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 23 August 2022, as amended by Article 29 of Decree-Law No. 13/2023.
Stipulation of the contract for new projects
31 March 2024 - Stipulation of the tender contracts, pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 2 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 23 August 2022, as amended by Article 29 of Decree-Law No. 13/2023.
Actual start of works for new projects
15 April 2024 - Effective start of works, pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 23 August 2022, as amended by Article 29 of Decree-Law No. 13/2023
Achievement of EU target
31 December 2025 - Expected achievement of the M2C4-13 target "Completion of type E interventions", related to the complete implementation of all interventions aimed at restoring damaged public structures and infrastructures.