The NRRP to the Civil Protection Department

PNRR - Obiettivi

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) allocates €15.06 billion for land and water resource protection under Mission 2, Component 4. Specifically, 2.49 billion euros are allocated for "Measures for flood risk management and hydrogeological risk reduction."
These are structural measures to secure the territory from landslides or reduce the risk of flooding and non-structural measures, i.e., measures provided for water and flood risk management plans for land protection, redevelopment, monitoring, and prevention.

The goal is to bring 1.5 million people at risk to safety. The investment of 2.49 billion euros is divided into two intervention types:

a) structural and non-structural interventions in the areas at highest risk to which 1.287 million euros are allocated, with interventions carried out by the end of 2021;  
b) in favor of areas affected by disasters to which 1,200 million euros are allocated for the restoration of damaged infrastructure and the reduction of residual risk based on investment plans drawn up at the local level and approved by the Department of Civil Protection by the end of 2021.

Coordination of the investment provided for in point b) is the responsibility of the Civil Protection Department and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the Decree of August 6, 2021, published in the Official Gazette of September 24, 2021, divided the resources into: 

▪  400 million euros for "existing projects" that are approved projects, already started and approved as of December 31, 2021;
▪  800 million euros for implementing "new projects" to be identified within the same thematic area of flood and hydrogeological risk reduction, aiming to restore initial conditions in affected areas and ensure the resilience of territories to natural disasters.

Both "existing projects" and "new projects" concern interventions on public property, referring to the types provided by Legislative Decree No. 1/2018, Article 25, paragraph 2, letters d) and e).

For both types, it is necessary to ensure that economic operators, in the execution of public contracts, comply with applicable obligations under environmental law or the National Action Plan on Green Public Procurement - NAP GPP.

Necessary conditions for access to funding are the compliance with the principle of "Do No Significant Harm" DNSH under Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852) and the constraint of the allocation of 40 percent to the regions of the South - under paragraph 6 bis, Article 2, of Decree-Law No. 77/2021, converted into Law No. 108 of July 29, 2021.

Finally, compliance with milestones and targets assigned to the investment is imperative.
The milestone requires the publication of the acts approving the plans of interventions on the institutional websites of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces and the Department of Civil Protection by December 31, 2021. 

The assigned target corresponds to the completion of interventions by December 31, 2025.

In agreement with the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the principle identified for the allocation of funds for both types of projects, in compliance with the constraint of the allocation of 40% to the regions of Southern Italy, was that identified by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of December 5, 2016 on "Approval of the indicator of allocation on a regional basis of the resources aimed at hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions" (Table 1 available below and in annex).

Region/PA Resources for existing projects  Resources for new projects
Abruzzo 15.169.593,04 € 30.339.186,09 €
Basilicata 12.610.976,71 € 25.221.953,42 €
Calabria 18.411.726,65 € 36.823.453,29 €
Campania 25.114.686,11 € 50.229.372,22 €
Molise 6.825.610,07 € 13.651.220,14 €
Puglia 25.319.658,14 € 50.639.316,27 €
Sardegna 24.697.258,29 € 49.394.516,58 €
Sicilia 31.850.490,99 € 63.700.981,98 €
160.000.000,00 € 320.000.000,00 €
Bolzano 7.610.421,24 € 15.220.842,47 €
Emilia- Romagna 30.568.089,64 € 61.136.179,28 €
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 10.459.208,64 € 20.918.417,28 €
Lazio 23.775.397,57 € 47.550.795,15 €
Liguria 10.430.728,57 € 20.861.457,13 €
Lombardia 36.994.832,30 € 73.989.664,60 €
Marche 12.841.391,04 € 25.682.782,07 €
Piemonte 29.654.386,53 € 59.308.773,06 €
Toscana 30.215.014,78 € 60.430.029,57 €
Trento 7.070.470,30 € 14.140.940,59 €
Umbria 10.293.400,00 € 20.586.800,01 €
Valle d'Aosta  5.246.575,32 € 10.493.150,64 €
Veneto 24.840.084,07 € 49.680.168,15 €
SUB TOTAL 240.000.000,00 € 480.000.000,00 €
TOTAL RESOURCES 400.000.000,00 € 800.000.000,00 €


Tab 1. Resource distribution and allocation for "existing" and new projects

The project lists were approved based on the reported proposals for "existing " projects and after their eligibility was verified.

Some regions proposed a list for less than the allocated amount. Other regions proposed no list at all. This was because of the differentiation at the territorial level regarding the possibility of proposing lists of interventions to be reported as beneficiaries of resources for past emergencies that were lower than the allocation or not beneficiaries of resources, such as the regions of Campania, Puglia, and Valle d'Aosta.

Therefore, lists were approved based on the additional interventions proposed by the regions and provinces and eligible until the total of 400 million available was reached.

Thus, two approvals were made: one regarding the allocated amount and the other on additional proposed "existing " projects for the Regions and Autonomous Provinces that requested them.

The allocation of resources based on the two approvals is shown in Table 2 (available in annex).
Regarding the implementation of the existing projects, in liaison with the Regions, Autonomous Provinces, the Department for Economic Policy Programming and Coordination (DIPE), and the Central Service for the NRRP, a Single Project Code (CUP) control activity was initiated for each of the approved interventions as of December 31, 2021. 

The monitoring activity revealed some anomalies, a total of eight, related to the status of the CUP.
For these anomalies, corrections of the erroneously communicated CUP were necessary, or in some cases, the replacement of the corresponding interventions with others already on the lists provided by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces that met the requirements of the NRRP regulations for access to resources. As a result, resources were reallocated to other interventions in the Region's availability, if any, or otherwise from the lists of other Regions and Autonomous Provinces. 

Table 2bis shows the new summary of the amounts allocated to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. 


Region/PA Resources for existing projects 
up to 31.12.2021
Resources for existing projects
(updated 22.03.2022)
Abruzzo 23.409.992,28 € 23.409.992,28 €
Basilicata 8.357.038,35 € 8.357.038,35 €
Bolzano 9.270.364,27 € 9.270.364,27 €
Calabria 21.347.414,04 € 21.347.414,04 €
Campania 0,00 € 0,00 €
Emilia-Romagna 39.314.068,88 € 39.314.068,88 €
Friuli Venezia Giulia 16.710.938,17 € 16.710.938,17 €
Lazio 28.969.018,90 € 28.969.018,90 €
Liguria 10.778.697,05 € 10.778.697,05 €
Lombardia 63.741.920,68 € 63.741.920,68 €
Marche 6.688.645,99 € 6.688.645,99 €
Molise 6.851.583,89 €6.851.583,89 €
Piemonte 4.102.756,34 € 4.102.756,34 €
Puglia 0,00 € 0,00 €
Sardegna 30.698.128,48 € 30.698.128,48 €
Sicilia 35.608.141,44 € 35.608.141,44 €
Toscana 43.756.737,50 € 43.756.737,50 €
Trento 13.509.332,96 € 13.509.332,96 €
Umbria 2.199.862,07 € 2.199.862,07 €
Valle d'Aosta 0,00 € 0,00 €
Veneto 34.685.358,70 € 34.685.358,70 €
TOTAL 400.000.000,00 € 400.000.000,00 €

Tab 2bis. Amounts allocated to existing projects by Region and Autonomous Province following adjustments and/or modifications. (Updated as of 03/22/2022)

Following the Court of Auditors' registration of the approval Decrees for the lists of interventions resulting from the Plans approved by December 31, 2021, by the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of August 23, 2022, the Department proceeded to sign Agreements, under Art. 15 of Law No. 241/1990, with the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, to regulate the joint implementation of everyday interest activities through a specific division of responsibilities and obligations related to the management, monitoring, reporting, and control of the interventions accepted for funding.

As of today, 21 Agreements have been signed, available for download in the "Attachments section" of this page.

On the basis of the proposals for "new" projects communicated, and following the verification of their eligibility, albeit in detail of macro-interventions, the approvals of the lists proposed by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces were arrived at, as shown in Table 3 (available below and in annex).

Region - PA Resources for new interventions
Abruzzo 30.339.186,09 €
Basilicata 25.221.953,42 €
Bolzano 15.220.842,47 €
Calabria 36.823.453,29 €
Campania 50.229.372,22 €
Emilia - Romagna 61.136.179,28 €
Friuli - Venezia Giulia 20.918.417,28 €
Lazio 47.550.795,15 €
Liguria 20.861.457,13 €
Lombardia 73.989.664,60 €
Marche 25.682.782,07 €
Molise 13.651.220,14 €
Piemonte 59.308.773,06 €
Puglia 50.639.316,27 €
Sardegna 49.394.516,58 €
Sicilia 63.700.981,98 €
Toscana 60.430.029,57 €
Trento 14.140.940,59 €
Umbria 20.586.800,01 €
Valle d'Aosta 10.493.150,64 €
Veneto 49.680.168,15 €
TOTAL 800.000.000,00 €

Tab 3. Amount allocated to "new" interventions by Region and Autonomous Province.